Cancellation Policy


Healthon offers a range of subscription-based products and services, each with varying monthly costs depending on the selected service. This policy applies to all subscription products and services provided by Healthon.

Cancellation Terms:

Notice Period:
Healthon's health programs are based on the latest recommendations from medical associations, which emphasize that clients typically see meaningful outcomes after at least three (3) months of adherence to the program. However, a minimum commitment is not required. Clients must provide a 30-day notice prior to their desired cancellation date. This 30-day notice may be waived in exceptional circumstances, such as severe medical conditions, subject to approval by Healthon's medical team.

Medical Review Process:
Clients requesting early cancellation due to medical reasons must submit appropriate medical documentation to support their request. Healthon's medical team will review the provided documentation to determine whether the request qualifies for early termination. If early cancellation is approved, the program fees (excluding medication costs) will be prorated based on the remaining subscription period. The cost of prescription medications is non-refundable, as they are patient-specific and non-returnable once dispensed.

Effective Date of Cancellation:
Unless waived due to exceptional circumstances, the effective date of cancellation will be 30 days from the date the cancellation notice is received. Clients will continue to receive services and be billed accordingly until the effective cancellation date.

Communication of Cancellation:
Cancellation requests, along with any supporting documentation, must be submitted in writing via email to Healthon's customer service team at Clients will receive confirmation of their cancellation request within five (5) business days of submission.

Rejoining the Program:
Clients who cancel their subscription and wish to rejoin later may do so, subject to a new assessment and the prevailing terms and conditions of the program at the time of rejoining.

Subscription Renewal Terms:

Automatic Renewal:
Your payment method will be automatically charged at regular intervals, as outlined during the checkout process, until you cancel your subscription. The first renewal may be charged early to ensure continuity of service. Subsequent renewals may be charged and shipped up to three (3) days early to accommodate holidays or other operational needs.

Updates and Notifications:
Healthon or its Providers may periodically request updates to your information to facilitate the ongoing subscription.

Cancellation Process:
You may cancel your subscription at any time by emailing or calling 949-668-7000. Refunds for partially used subscription periods are not typically offered but may be provided on a case-by-case basis at Healthon's discretion.

Subscription Changes:
Healthon reserves the right to modify subscription plans and prices. Clients will receive advance notice of any price changes or adjustments to their subscription plans.

Cancellation Policy for One-Time Products and Services:

Non-Refundable Terms:

  • For one-time products and services, if your medical questionnaire has been reviewed and approved, and your prescription has been sent to the pharmacy, the amount paid is non-refundable. The product will be shipped to the address provided in your medical questionnaire..

Billing and Pricing:

Total Subscription Price:

  • Clients will see and be required to pay a single "total" subscription price to simplify the user experience. If the subscription product involves a consultation with a Provider, includes a prescription product from a Pharmacy, and/or includes mental health services, the total price will reflect charges for the Service, as well as amounts billed by the Pharmacy and Medical Group, as applicable.

Contact Information: For any questions or to submit a cancellation request, please contact Healthon's customer service team at or call 949-668-7000.

Acknowledgment: By enrolling in Healthon's subscription products and services, clients acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions of this cancellation policy.